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New in 4aGC – Build donor lists with ease

If you’ve been following our blog you might know that we are pushing to add more donor management capabilities to our platform this year, basically adding a donor CRM (customer relationship management) feature to 4aGoodCause.

In a recent post, we announced the first step toward that goal, comprehensive donor profiles. Nonprofits using 4aGoodCause can use these profiles to track any information on the donors they service including contact information, giving history and much more.

We’ve just launched a new search feature of 4aGoodCause to allow our clients to group donors into lists based on the criteria found in those donor profiles.

Now, instead of just marketing to your donors en masse you can get more personal with them by customizing your outreach to target a particular subset of your donors.

You can search and build lists based on tags you have applied to donors or any of the standard data fields in 4aGoodCause. Perhaps you have tagged certain donors as a “Major Donor”. You might use the new search capabilities to find and export a list of these givers to send them a special thank-you or invite them to a special event.

The more you can refine and customize your messages to specific segments of your donor population the more those donors will appreciate your organization. Our new search tool makes this easy.

Give it a try

Inside our app, nonprofits should click on Donors to access their donors and contacts. Use our new search filters (just to the left of the search box) to find and group donors based on the criteria you enter. You can combine multiple search filters to refine your search as needed. Once you have a list you want you can export your data to a CSV or Excel file.

What’s next

Our next phase of development is to add an easy, do-it-yourself, way to import your donors and contacts into 4aGoodCause. Stay tuned.

If you have thoughts or feedback on our journey to a donor CRM or anything else regarding 4aGoodCause, we’d love to hear from you!

Ronald Pruitt

Ronald Pruitt

Ronald is the President and Founder of 4aGoodCause, the fundraising CRM that makes recurring, monthly giving a breeze for small nonprofits.

For over 25 years, Ronald has had the joy of doing what he loves, building online solutions that make a difference in the world. He’s helped raise millions of dollars online for small nonprofits across the country. Connect with Ronald on LinkedIn.

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