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4aGoodCause: New features, Covid-19 help, a birthday and a thank you

I want to start this post with a word to the nonprofit community. During this Covid-19 crisis, people like you that work inside nonprofits are often on the front-lines: caring for the sick, feeding the hungry or counseling the isolated. Every aspect of our society, and thus every nonprofit, has been impacted by this pandemic. You are probably working long hours (from home), balancing the personal and professional, doing everything in your power to further the mission of your good cause.

I just want to say thank you for what you are doing.

And thank you for letting us support you in your efforts.

Donate to nonprofits affected by Coronavirus (Covid-19)

Support for our clients

I know this may be a hard time financially for many of the good causes that work with us and we want to help.  Normally our invoices are due in 30 days. I am extending our payment terms this quarter to a 60-day due date. While 4aGoodCause has always been very affordable this will give our clients extra time to meet that obligation. If any of our nonprofits need further consideration they should please get in touch.

Join me for a free Covid-19 webinar

We are striving to continue to be a resource for you on navigating these turbulent times. In that vein, I hope you will join me on April 9th for a free webinar, Online Fundraising During a Crisis: What to do Now (and in the Future).  Learn actionable steps a small-to-midsize nonprofit can take to raise money online during (and after) the Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic. Hope to see you there!

Register here

New search filters

Work continues here at 4aGoodCause. We continue to add donor management tools to our platform. Our latest update includes new “quick” search filters to better enable you to find individual contacts or create segmented lists of contacts you can use to export for email and other communications.

Our new Quick Filters are single-click filters that help you quickly find contacts with a predetermined attribute. For example, you might try to find contacts that are new donors or ones that have given before but not recently.

The Quick Filters available are:

  • SYBUNT (Some Year But Unfortunately Not This Year)– Donors who gave in any preceding calendar year but not in the current calendar year.
  • LYBUNT (Last Year But Unfortunately Not This Year)– Donors who gave last calendar year but not in the current calendar year.
  • Lapsed donors– Donors that have given previously but not in the last 12 months.
  • At-risk donors– Donors that have given previously but not in the last 9 months.
  • New donors– Donors that made their first gift in the last 30 days.
  • Active recurring donors– Donors that made a recurring donation in the last 30 days.
  • With an email address – Contacts that have an email address on their profiles.
  • Without an email address – Contacts that do not have an email address on their profiles.
  • With registrations – Contacts that have previously registered for an event (or bought something from an event page)
  • Without registrations – Contacts that have not previously registered for an event (or bought something from an event page)
  • With donations – Contacts that have previously made a donation.
  • Without donations – Contacts that have never made a donation.
  • Year to date giving greater or equal to $500
  • Average gift greater or equal to $500

We’ve also added the new ability to search with a custom dollar range on average gift size, lifetime giving and year-to-date giving.

Please review instructions to search your contacts

What’s up next for 4aGoodCause? We’re working on a Mailchimp integration. Stay tuned!

We’re 22

Finally, today is also the 22nd birthday for 4aGoodCause. 22 years ago I formed a company that started as a web design shop but would morph into an all-in-one fundraising platform that has helped nonprofits from all over the United States raise hundreds of millions of dollars.

We are thankful for all our clients, team members, friends and family that have given us an opportunity to contribute to the greater good.  We look forward to the next 22 years!

Stay safe and healthy!

Ronald Pruitt

Ronald Pruitt

Ronald is the President and Founder of 4aGoodCause, the fundraising CRM that makes recurring, monthly giving a breeze for small nonprofits.

For over 25 years, Ronald has had the joy of doing what he loves, building online solutions that make a difference in the world. He’s helped raise millions of dollars online for small nonprofits across the country. Connect with Ronald on LinkedIn.

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