We’re back with our latest post about improvements, fixes, new features and more pertaining to our online fundraising platform. We’ve just completed our latest round of software updates. In this round of updates, we continue toward our goal of being one of the easiest fundraising platforms for nonprofits to use. Most of the below improvements below have come from client feedback and relate to our administrative account.
One of the great features of 4aGoodCause is the ability to build unlimited fundraising campaigns. Our nonprofits are certainly taking advantage of that, for good reason. With so many campaigns being created, we have updated the campaigns section of our admin to include more search and filtering options. We’ve also added an often requested function that makes it easy to launch new campaigns similar to ones already created.
New functionality includes:
- Search for campaigns by keyword
- Filter by campaign type (active, inactive or drafts)
- Order by creation date or alphabetical order
- New color coding to help discern campaign types
- Duplicate function to create new campaigns by copying an existing campaign (with a single click)

Transaction Reports
We have a few new improvements to our donation and registration reports to make it easier to manage online and offline transactions.
- Gift Designation is now an editable field on new and existing donation records.
- Donation records now link to donor profiles via the donor’s name so nonprofits can view a giving history from that donor.
- Nonprofits can now edit product (product name, quantity, price, subtotals) information on new and existing registration orders.
Excel / CSV Downloads
I wanted to also note some recent updates to the Excel downloads available on our transaction reports.
1. Fields that contain numbers like the donation amount or the quantity of a product sold will now be automatically classified as “Number” fields when downloaded into Excel. This will help our clients more easily run calculations and other formulas in Excel on your donation data.
2. We’ve also retired the “Order Summary” field in our Registrations downloads. This field reported on the products and quantities ordered on your event orders. We’d received feedback wanting that field split so you could better read the orders in Excel. We’ve done that. This will make it easier to visually see the registrations in Excel and run any calculations on the associated number fields.
Revenue Report
Earlier this year we launched a new nonprofit dashboard showing a quick snapshot of the latest activity and revenue. We’ve carried forward the concepts of this report to our Revenue report to give nonprofits more statistics and totals of the revenue being generated through 4aGoodCause. You can search by date range and get the following:
- Total revenue across all campaigns
- Breakdown of revenue by campaign
- Breakdown of revenue by transaction type (one-time donations, recurring donations, registrations)
- Statistics on the number of transactions and average transaction sizes

What’s next
In addition to the updates listed above, we’ve posted a few bug fixes and minor improvements to our platform in the last few weeks.
Over the next few weeks, our development focus will turn to improvements to tribute giving and new options for fraud protection.
Stay tuned for future updates by subscribing to our blog.
Vacation Postscript
I’ll close this post with a brief note about my recent vacation. In June, my family and I visited Canada. We toured the provinces of Alberta and British Columbia. We spent a ton of time hiking in Canadian National Parks such as Kootenay National Park and Banff National Park. We saw amazing landscapes, incredible wildlife (grizzly bear!) and met some wonderful people such as the great folks at the Northern Lights Wildlife Wolf Centre.

I mention this vacation because this trip reinforced my belief we must protect the natural beauty of this world. It’s hard to describe how awe-inspiring the landscapes are that we visited but when you see it you are driven to do what you can to ensure its there for future generations. One way to do that is to support the nonprofit community working hard to keep natural wonders like the ones we visited unspoiled.
I encourage you to make a gift to a nonprofit working to protect the environment. There are many out there including clients of ours like the David Brower Center, Friends of Australian Wildlife Conservancy or Gulf of Maine Research Institute. Find one in your local community working to protect the places you explore.
Want to specifically help preserve the National Parks here in the United States? Make a gift to the National Parks Conservation Association.