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Office Hours: How to Boost Online Donations with Corporate Matching

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If you’re a nonprofit organization, you’re likely always on the hunt for ways to increase donations. One source that nonprofits often overlook is corporate matching gifts. 

These gifts can double or even triple the value of individual contributions, without additional asks from your donors.

In our latest Office Hours webinar, we are joined by Grace Green of Double the Donation to discuss how easy it is to use a simple 4aGoodCause integration to incorporate matching gifts into the online donation process. 

Watch our discussion and read the recap below. 

What’s new with 4aGoodCause?

Before we get into corporate matching, let’s talk about some of the newest features in 4aGoodCause. 

Updated peer-to-peer fundraising report

4aGoodCause has revamped its peer-to-peer fundraising reporting. Previously, different reports were available for fundraisers and pages, making it hard to track who created a page. 

Now, they have combined these reports, giving you access to all the information—like the fundraiser’s name, email, fundraising page, and campaign progress—in one place.

Updated “Invoice Me” payment option

For significant donation amounts—such as large event sponsorships—you might prefer to invoice a donor rather than immediately process a credit card transaction.

4aGoodCause has updated its “Invoice Me” receipts so donors know exactly what they owe and where to send payment. 

Now, every transaction where someone selects “Invoice Me” will show a clear “pay to” amount and your nonprofit’s mailing address, offering a reminder that the payment is still pending.

Vanity URLs

One of the most requested features—vanity URLs—has arrived! Vanity URLs allow you to create shorter, branded URLs for your donation campaigns, events, or landing pages. 

You can set these up easily under the “Campaign Info” section of your campaign editing. Choose a keyword that relates to your organization or campaign, and your page will automatically generate a clean, memorable URL. This feature is excellent for social media posts or direct mail. See our knowledgebase guide below for instructions. 

How to Create a Short, Vanity URL

Unlock the power of corporate matching gifts

What are corporate matching gifts?

Corporate matching gifts are when companies financially match any charitable contributions made by their employees. If someone donates, say, $100, some companies might double that or more. 

Corporate matching is a great perk for employees, and businesses get to enhance their reputation for supporting worthwhile causes. You, as the nonprofit, get more funds to expand your programs.

How widespread are these programs?

Corporate matching isn’t confined to a small crowd of well-known brands. We’re talking about 65% of Fortune 500 companies offering matching gift programs. That translates to almost $2 to $3 billion being donated each year through these programs. 

But the real kicker? $4 to $7 billion in available matching donations go unclaimed each year.

Why? Most donors simply don’t know their employers offer these opportunities, or they don’t know how to start the process. 

Matching gifts by the numbers
Matching gifts by the numbers

How corporate matching works

The process of securing a matching donation typically involves four steps:

  1. The donor makes their initial contribution. ✅
  2. The donor submits a matching gift request to their employer. ⚠️
  3. The employer approves the request based on their company guidelines.
  4. The employer sends the matching donation to the nonprofit.

That second step—getting donors to submit their requests—is where this process can break down. 

Most donors aren’t even aware they can request a match, and the few who know don’t know how to navigate the process. Luckily, the right technology can help guide and remind them to claim that free money.

This is where the Double the Donation integration with 4aGoodCause comes in to save the day.

How 4aGoodCause and Double the Donation work together

4aGoodCause integrates directly with Double the Donation to streamline the process of securing corporate matches. Nonprofits don’t have to worry about whether their donors will follow up—4aGoodCause prompts donors right at the moment they give to check if their employer offers a corporate match.

Double the Donation + 4aGoodCause
Double the Donation + 4aGoodCause

How it works

  1. Donor searches employer: As the donor fills out their donation form, they’ll see a section that prompts them to check if their employer offers matching gifts. All they have to do is enter their employer’s name.
  2. Database lookup: The integrated system cross-checks the donor’s employer against Double the Donation’s extensive database of 24,000+ companies offering corporate matching.
  3. Instant instructions: If the company has a matching program, detailed instructions on how to complete the match immediately appear on the thank-you page and in a follow-up email. This ensures donors know exactly how to request a match.
  4. Donation complete: The donor completes their matching gift submission, and the company sends an additional donation to your nonprofit.

Behind-the-scenes data for you

Double the Donation provides you with a 360-degree dashboard that tracks which donations are eligible for matching and whether those donors have started their matching gift requests. This helps your team follow up when necessary.

The dashboard can also alert you of “leading companies” that are particularly active in matching. Let’s say you notice a lot of donations matched from Home Depot—this creates an opportunity to reach out for potential corporate partnerships, team volunteer days, or even larger company campaigns.

Volunteer matching programs

Some companies don’t just match monetary donations—they also offer volunteer grants. These allow employees to submit their volunteered hours in exchange for financial donations to nonprofits. Tools, like Double the Donation, can help your nonprofit capture these opportunities as well.

How to get started

Setting up Double the Donation with 4aGoodCause is a breeze. 


  1. Sign up for an account with Double the Donation.
  2. Copy your API key.
  3. Paste that key into your 4aGoodCause integrations page.

That’s all! Every donation page you set up in 4aGoodCause will now prompt donors to check for a matching gift, increasing your chances of securing additional revenue without needing to ask directly for more money.

You’ll be able to follow donor activities in real-time, including whether they’ve submitted the necessary forms or opened their matching gift emails. You can customize the emails to reflect your nonprofit’s branding, further increasing their impact.

See our knowledgebase guide below for instructions on connecting 4aGoodCause and Double the Donation.

How to Integrate 4aGoodCause and Double the Donation

Claim your matching funds

Corporate matching gifts are an untapped resource for many nonprofits, but it doesn’t have to stay that way. 

With 4aGoodCause’s easy integration with Double the Donation, you can encourage every single donor to double their gift. The best part? It’s not extra work for your team, just free money waiting to be unlocked through automation.

If your nonprofit is ready to take its fundraising to the next level by using corporate matching gifts, now is the time. Set up your matching gift tools today, and don’t leave those billions of unclaimed dollars on the table.

Download the handout that was provided during our webinar to share with your team or reach out to 4aGoodCause or Double the Donation to learn more. 

Ronald Pruitt

Ronald Pruitt

Ronald is the President and Founder of 4aGoodCause, the fundraising CRM that makes recurring, monthly giving a breeze for small nonprofits.

For over 25 years, Ronald has had the joy of doing what he loves, building online solutions that make a difference in the world. He’s helped raise millions of dollars online for small nonprofits across the country. Connect with Ronald on LinkedIn.

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