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Must-have website features for your good cause

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Everyone knows (or should know!) that a good website is vital to a good cause’s success. Most of us also know that making a good website is easier said than done. When looking into adding features, many good causes become overwhelmed with questions. What features are necessities and which are frivolous? This seems like a great feature, but is it right for our cause? Well, we understand your struggle and are here to help. The following are must-have website features for any good cause.

Social media and donation buttons

People don’t always land on your homepage the first time they visit your website; they may land on an event page, your about page, etc. You want people to know how to connect with your good cause no matter what page of your website they are on, so have social media and donation buttons prominently displayed on every page.

Differentiating statement

This is not your mission statement. This is a short paragraph (no more than 3-4 sentences) that says who you are and what you do in the simplest way possible. This should be featured on your homepage and your “About Us” page so no one ever questions what you do or how you are different than all the other charities out there.

Simple donation page

People are already giving you their money; don’t make them tell you their life stories, too. Take only what information you need to process the transaction and give them the option to receive more information from you. The entire donation process should be easy and inspire trust in your good cause.

“Where your money goes” content

People want to know what is being done with their money. On your website, include a chart that shows what a $10, $50, or $100 donation will do. Also, have a link to case studies or blog posts that highlight specific work your good cause has done.

Mobile giving

You never know how people are going to access your website, so you want to make sure it is built for all devices. Your website should be responsive and you need a mobile giving form so anyone can help your cause from anywhere.

Emotion-evoking stories

Instead of telling people how you do the work you do, show them what you do. Create a short, emotional video that illustrates the difference your good cause makes. Visuals and emotions drive people to get involved.

Once you have implemented your new website features, make sure to listen for feedback. Your website is for the users, so you always want to make sure the users are happy.

Ronald Pruitt

Ronald Pruitt

Ronald is the President and Founder of 4aGoodCause, the fundraising CRM that makes recurring, monthly giving a breeze for small nonprofits.

For over 25 years, Ronald has had the joy of doing what he loves, building online solutions that make a difference in the world. He’s helped raise millions of dollars online for small nonprofits across the country. Connect with Ronald on LinkedIn.

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